<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> <% Session.LCID = 2057 'Option Explicit set my_conn= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") my_Conn.Open DBCon Function FormatStr(String) on Error resume next String = Replace(String, CHR(13), "") String = Replace(String, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "

") String = Replace(String, CHR(10), "
") FormatStr = String End Function Dim dtToday dtToday = Date() Dim dtCurViewMonth ' First day of the currently viewed month Dim dtCurViewDay ' Current day of the currently viewed month Dim frmDate ' Date submitted by form ' if the GO button was used, build the date from the month and year If InStr(1, Request.Form, "subGO", 1) > 0 then if Request.Form("CURDATE_month") = "" then tmpMonth = month(now()) else tmpMonth = Request.Form("CURDATE_month") End If if Request.Form("CURDATE_year") = "" then tmpyear = year(now()) else tmpyear = Request.Form("CURDATE_year") End If tmpDate = "1 " & tmpMonth & " 1999" mnth = Month(tmpDate) frmDate = DateSerial(tmpyear, mnth, 1) Else frmDate = Request.Form("CURDATE") end if if Request("view_date") <> "" then frmDate= DateSerial(year(Request("view_date")), month(Request("view_date")), 1) end if %> <% REM This section defines functions to be used later on. %> <% REM This sets the Previous Sunday and the Current Month %> <% '-------------------------------------------------- Function DtPrevSunday(ByVal dt) Do While WeekDay(dt) > vbSunday dt = DateAdd("d", -1, dt) Loop DtPrevSunday = dt End Function '-------------------------------------------------- %> <%REM Set current view month from posted CURDATE, or ' the current date as appropriate. ' if posted from the form ' if prev button was hit on the form If InStr(1, Request.Form, "subPrev", 1) > 0 Then dtCurViewMonth = DateAdd("m", -1, frmDate) ' if next button was hit on the form ElseIf InStr(1, Request.Form, "subNext", 1) > 0 Then dtCurViewMonth = DateAdd("m", 1, frmDate) ' anyother time Else ' date add in text box If InStr(1, Request.Form, "subGO", 1) > 0 then dtCurViewMonth = frmDate Else if Request("view_date") <> "" then dtCurviewMonth = frmDate else dtCurViewMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtToday), Month(dtToday), 1) End If End If End If %> <% REM --------BEGINNING OF DRAW CALENDAR SECTION-------- %> <% REM This section executes the event query and draws a matching calendar. %> <% Dim iDay, iWeek, sFontColor, dictDte(31,2), intCount strSql = "SELECT * FROM diary WHERE month(dte)= " & month(dtCurViewMonth) & " and year(dte) = " & year(dtCurViewMonth) & " order by dte" set rs = my_conn.Execute (StrSql) intCount= 0 ' populate array with days of month on Error resume next do until rs.EOF if intCount > 31 then exit do if Day(rs("dte")) = intCount + 1 then dictDte(intCount, 1) = rs("text_field") rs.Movenext Else dictDte(intCount, 1) = " " End If dictDte(intCount, 2) = intCount + 1 intCount = intCount + 1 loop %>